Expositie in Hasselt
Groepsexpositie ‘Dreamscapes’
Hedendaags Imaginair Realisme
met Digitale Collages uit de serie
‘Behind the seen’
Zuivelmarkt 50 Hasselt

Collage experiment 2.0
Collage experiment 2.0
I am experimenting with the medium of collage. With paint and without, small and large size, black / white and color, layering, thickness and depth.

Sculpture Mickey smokes
Mickey Mouse smokes
Ones a week I’ll do ceramics. I am experimenting with clay.
Here a sculpture of Mickey Mouse with a sagging belly, tired eyes smoking a cigarette. What would our comic strip heroes look like in real life behind the scenes?

Collage 'Last apples' (work in progress)
Last apples
140 x 200 cm
(Work in progress)
Een collage van geknipte stukjes uit oude tijdschriften. Deze collage maak ik van materialen die er al zijn. Om daarmee een gelaagdheid te creeren en de complexiteit van de mens te benadrukken. Het is een landschap van mensen waarin de gekte van deze tijd en mijn wereld samenkomen.

Tijdschrift &C van Chantal Janssen

Tijdschrift &C van Chantal Janssen
De digitale collage van Baby Donald is geplaatst in het tijdschrift van Chantal Jansen.
Opening Public House of Art ‘The devil inside me’
Opening Public House of Art ‘The devil inside me’
With artworks of the series ‘Cry if you want t0’
Here Barbara has taken a walk on the dark side as she composites multiple photographs into one to create childlike images of some of history’s darkest dictators, as well as sitting US President Donald J. Trump. It bears the question we’ve all considered at one point, what were these powerful and destructive men like as children? What was the occurrence that ripped away their fragile innocence we are all born with? True to herself, Barbara’s message in these works is not dark, but a gentle reminder that we all start off with the purest of naivety about the world, and as adults we must strive to keep this strength within us. Even these seemingly heartless men experience beauty, sadness, and fragility, and only through an open and slightly naive heart can we make our way out of these dark times stronger than we came in.

Interview in Public House of Art

Interview met Public House of Art
Lifestyle Experience interviewt The Public House of Art over mijn werk.
AAF Hampstead London

AAF Hampstead London
Exhibition with Public House of Art in London with the serie ‘Look at me’.
Artwork in Hilton Hotel Rotterdam

Painting Athena in Hilton hotel
My painting Athena has been exhibited for a few months in the lobby of the Hilton Hotel in Rotterdam.
Opening Public House of Art 'The awesome'
Opening Public House of Art
Afgelopen donderdag werd Public House of Art feestelijk geopend. Mijn kunstwerken, zowel digitale collages als schilderijen werden tentoongesteld. Deze expositie ‘The Awesome’ is nog 6 maanden te zien op de Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 39 in Amsterdam. Bij de opening heb ik ook een performance gedaan samen met theatermaakster Fleur van den Berg.
Art curator Maurizio Buquicchio was writing about my work
Art curator Maurizio Buquicchio was writing about my work:
‘In this collection Barbara has experimented something entirely new, creating a series of imaginary characters from the combination of infinitesimal details of previously produced photographs. Childhood, a leitmotif in her body of work, is here paradoxically represented in its “natural” perfection through the artificial patchwork of body parts, costumes from different cultures and ages. Barbara successfully created silent and iconic characters projected towards the audience, directly questioning the viewer. In these digital collages gestures become enigmatic: the child’s innocence is dramatically placed in contradiction with adult expressions and emotions. In the same and yet opposite figurative “twist”, older characters are transformed by the artist, “misplaced” in a slapstick and irreverent context. The result is The Awesome according to Barbara van den Berg: a visionary series in which she conceived and designed a pantheon of modern mythical creatures. A bizarre world in which children claim adulthood and elderlies long for their inner child, a playground where the “seriousness of the game” reigns supreme.’

Theaterproject/ Performance
Ik heb meegedaan aan een kunstproject op de Theaterschool in Amsterdam. Een afstudeerproject van Suze van Miltenburg.
Een performance/onderzoek van 4 kunstenaars uit 4 verschillende kunstdisciplines. Een fotograaf/visual artist Chris Rijksen, een muzikaal performer Karlijn Hamer, een beeldend kunstenaar en een theatermaker Suze van Miltenburg. Op de foto is te zien wat ik in 40 min gemaakt heb.